Saturday, 29 September 2012

Ultimate Want.

Since the dawn of my youtube watching days everyone and their mother has owned Sigma brushes and i've always been intrigued by them. But being that this was when i was still a 'beginner' at makeup the prospect of even owning them was the furthest from my mind! But ever since I got hooked on Sams (Sam Schuerman) videos and she  expressed her love for them i wanted them ridiculous amounts! Why don't I own any you ask? Because with a hefty $119 (around £74 to us British folk) without the shipping and extra 'let my brushes into England' fees it could be around £100 and that for this set and that's pretty redonkulous (yes that happened) if you ask me! I know that's like them being £10 on their own but come on! 

Now if only I could win the lottery and take these off the top of my wishlist!
Sigh, I can dream can't i?

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