Since the dawn of my youtube watching days everyone and their mother has owned Sigma brushes and i've always been intrigued by them. But being that this was when i was still a 'beginner' at makeup the prospect of even owning them was the furthest from my mind! But ever since I got hooked on Sams (Sam Schuerman) videos and she expressed her love for them i wanted them ridiculous amounts! Why don't I own any you ask? Because with a hefty $119 (around £74 to us British folk) without the shipping and extra 'let my brushes into England' fees it could be around £100 and that for this set and that's pretty redonkulous (yes that happened) if you ask me! I know that's like them being £10 on their own but come on!
Now if only I could win the lottery and take these off the top of my wishlist!
Sigh, I can dream can't i?
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