Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Hello 2013!

Another year, more of the same? Let's hope not! I wasn't planning on making and new years resolutions because i NEVER stick to them but I'm really going to try this year and I mean that.

One; Stay positive!

I am the worst person in the world for worrying and thinking the absolute worst in situations and that is the Gods honest truth. 2012 wasn't exactly the best year in some aspects and so far the start of this one hasn't been either. The best thing I can do is think positive and not panic or worry about things until it's actually necessary.

Two; Look after my skin and hair! 

This sounds pretty straight forward but I'm actually a little bad at this! I have a habit of leaving make up on when I sleep because I'm so tired and currently my skin is suffering! Also I work in retail so I spend a lot of my time working with money and then forget and touch my face, bad Sarah!
As for my hair I'm actually quite good at that, never forget heat protect and I use a lot of different products to help keep it healthy but not enough. I'm trying to grow it out so I'm going to try and use as little heat as possible to make it stronger, so far I've only curled it! (slight confession, I've not brushed it in two days either... I do have a reason though! I washed it last night and it's so fine that when it's wet i can't brush it and then I fell asleep and today well I had a 7am shift and got up late and just forgot?) 

Three; Save money!

So so bad at saving, all my wages get spent each month, well what's left after I pay bills etc. This year I will do it differently, I've got my little pot and I've already started putting money in it. I actually saved almost £100 in the middle of last year but then beauty products called! I'm determined to save this year and keep saving, not sure what for but hey savings better than spending it all!

Four; Be healthy!

I eat whatever I feel like a do absolutely no exersize (other than walking). This year I will get healthy, I need to drink more water, exercise!! cut out junk food and sweets (major sweet tooth),actually eat breakfast, lunch and dinner, drink less tea and there's more to that as well.

I hope you all had a happy and safe new year and welcomed 2013 with opens arms. As everyone says 'new year,new me', don't do that it's silly, just make the real you better!

1 comment:

  1. Those are some really good resolutions, I hope you manage to stick to them! :) x
